MiniMu Explorations

Experiments and developments based around the use of the mini-mu Microbit gestural control glove.
by Vulpestruments The mini-mu glove is a micro:bit powered glove designed by Helen Leigh to be an introduction to coding and music tech inspired by Imogen Heaps mi-mu glove project.

I've been pushing it into different musical directions to push the limits of the fairly simple gestural controller.

koTom : Creative Director for Hackoustic
The maker koTom
I have been making DIY instruments, interactive installations and sound art objects for 10+ years. I am also an educator and networker who loves bringing together new ideas and new people.

Connect with koTom
How I can help you:
I have instructions on how to connect your own mini-mu up to your DAW or Puredata on my website. I will also be uploading some PD patches to allow you to experiment straight away with your own gloves.