Lavender Town - a Minecraft musical project

Music composed by Junichi Masuda

A Minecraft performance inspired by Doodle Chaos of music from the Pokémon Red & Blue game. Created and performed by Tess McCumber.
Music composed by Junichi Masuda This piece synchronizes music from the Pokémon Red & Blue game to a cleverly devised collection of contraptions in this minecart-based performance.

The machinery makes extensive use of redstone mechanics, as well as a number of elements from the Create Mod.

Created and performed by Tess McCumber
Premiered at UML's Contemporary Electronic Ensemble's Spring 2022 concert.

Tess McCumber : Minecraft world builder, musical arranger
Tess is a Sound Recording Technology (2022) major at UMass Lowell.

Connect with Tess McCumber
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