"A table"

« A table » is a sonor interactive installation inviting us to loose our time perception by playing.
it is a hack of basic table social function to make it a multiplayer instrument.
around hundred of bouncy Balls allow us to play and compose, alone or together. Simple movements' repetition create an hypnotising vibe.
Thoughtful actions or a simple letting go. This projects was born in early 2020 in perspective of the "electro-pixel festival" in Nantes,France.
the inner of the beast is am arduino midi drumpad triggerring sound in a pureData patch on a Raspberry pi.
there is 5 touch zone on the surface and each of them controls parameters on the pure data patch.

La bricool : Makers
The maker La bricool
La bricool is a french collectiv made by Z00keep and TCM-313. We do circuit bending whith kids durring workshops. Interactive pieces and live performances.

Connect with La bricool