Syos offers saxophonists and clarinetists an on-demand sound thanks to 3D printed custom mouthpieces.
3D printed custom mouthpieces Syos (Shape Your Own Sound) is a french company created in 2016 by Pauline Eveno and Maxime Carron, both researchers in Acoustics at Ircam in Paris. Syos offers to saxophonists and clarinetists an on-demand sound thanks to 3D printed custom mouthpieces. Syos is working with famous musicians all around the world: Chad Lefkowitz-Brown, Tivon Pennicott (Gregory Porter's saxophone player), Steve Kortyka (Lady Gaga), Scott Page (Pink Floyd)...
Pauline Eveno : Acoustic Researcher & Co-founder of Syos
The maker Pauline Eveno
Pauline Eveno is an engineer and has a PhD in Acoustics. She is specialized in the acoustics of musical instruments. She did her PhD at Ircam in Paris and then worked at McGill University in Montreal as a postdoc. She is also a passionate musician. She is now the CEO and co-founder of SYOS. SYOS offers saxophone and clarinet players a custom sound thanks to 3D printed personalized mouthpieces.
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We will be happy to discuss with anyone.
How you can help me:
Follow us on our social media and if you have friends who plays saxophone or clarinet, let them know about us :)