Rinding Kalisemut
An instrument from Lumajang, East Java, Indonesia.
BAMBOO MOUTH HARP ON D MAJOR Rinding Kalisemut is part of Indonesia's cultural heritage and I hope that with this media festival it is hoped that it can be preserved for the future of traditional music and world culture.
Koesbilindo : Maker, Composer
The maker Koesbilindo
All based on fun to fill my time and care about industrial waste in my workplace.

This music project started 2 years ago and I was greatly influenced by my friends in East Java. And now 2 concepts of musical instruments have been created, named "Tri Swodho" (stringed instruments and kalimba as melodies that come from trash cans, used strings, and used wooden pallets) and "Tara" (a musical instrument with a typical Indian mono string concept from trash cans and bamboo). I chose the soundscapes concept, field recording, analog pedals effects, traditional and minimalist because these are very basic in the field of experimental music. However, it is possible that it would be even more extraordinary if my music was combined with more modern experimental music because the goal is to generate discussion and new discoveries in the history of worldwide music and sound.
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How I can help you:
The product is Rinding Kalisemut or Traditional Bamboo Mouth Harp. You can appreciate this traditional instrument by ordering it to me by Direct Message on Instagram.
How you can help me:
Follow me on Instagram.