Biotransmisiones FM
This hybrid organic radiophonic network is a sonorous exploration of rhizosphere territories. From the development of DIY biotransmitters we are interested in amplifying the electrical signals that emerge from this symbiotic assembly between territories and non-human bodies. Listening to what the rhizosphere hides opens a door to new and possible interspecies gestures.
Biotransmisiones FM This performative sound exploration embraces the ecologies of rhizospheric territories. From the development of an open hardware biotransmitter we are interested in amplifying and sonorizing the electrical potentials that emerge from this symbiotic assembly between soils and bodies by hacking FM radio communication networks. This great hybrid organic radiophonic network weaves an exploration of the terrestrial-local and the remote-global as an exercise to imagine and generate new spaces and channels of interspecies communication and gestures. Listening to what the rhizosphere hides opens a door to new and possible interspecies gestures.
Electrobiota : Transmedia art collective
The maker Electrobiota
Electrobiota is a multispecies artistic collective founded in 2014 by mexican transmedia artists Gabriela Munguía and Guadalupe Chávez. Contextualized in Latin American epistemologies and from multiple approaches from the electronic arts, sound art, bioart, environmental humanities, cultural biology, soil ecology, agroecology and speculative thinking explore possible interspecies expressions and gestualities.
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